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Generic placeholder image Software for PC
You can download it from website or App Store, Windows Store

Generic placeholder image Disclaimer / Terms of Use of each software
The copyright of each software releasing and documents concerned belongs to CloverSoftware which is a developer.
The User may not alter, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software for any reason whatsoever.
The author declines any responsibility for damages caused by using this software on your computer.
It's provided as-is, and the user uses this software at your own risk.
If you do not or cannot agree to the terms of this agreement, You cannot use software.

Generic placeholder image Distribution Notice
You can redistribute that to only freeware for pc.
It can be freely distributed as long as there is no charge for it,
it is unmodified, and all of the files are included.
If you have any questions or comments about our products, please e-mail us.

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